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Jupiter & Saturn

          This is where we live now. All of these images were shot right here at our little circle. I shot these with a 500mm lens and a doubler, and even so, they're tiny

          On December 21, 2020, we saw The ‘Great’ Conjunction

of Jupiter and Saturn. These two planets came closer together than they have in centuries. It was pitched as The Christmas Star. It is theorized that the Star Of Bethlehem was a conjunction of two plan-

ets, not a star in the sense we think of one, and NASA says there were several conjunctions at the time in history Jesus was born.

          Just remember, NASA stands for Never A Straight Answer.  In case you haven't heard, the Earth is scheduled to be hit in 2029

by an asteroid called Apophis, named after a demon. NASA knows all about it. Wormwood in the book of Revelation could be the proph-

etic description of this event. Most of life on earth will cease to be. There is not a lot to be done to stop this. We all need to embrace the Lord for our life in the next world.
